Artikel zum Thema: Accessories, Gravelbike

Mechanical disc brake or hydraulic disc brake? TRP Spire C in the test

Velocio 12 | lifecycle magazine

Can a mechanical disc brake ever be an equal alternative to a hydraulic braking system? This was the question I asked myself – more forced than voluntary. This was due to the supply problems in the bicycle world, which did not stop at individual accessories in the trade. In other words: the new brake system that I actually wanted to build on my “bike for life” was simply not available. After a long search, I decided to expand my “search radius” to mechanical systems… You can find out which brake it was and how satisfied I am with it in this article.

komoot guide: Tips and tricks for planning tours with the navigation app – Basics

Komoot anleitung basic 5 | lifecycle magazine

As the makers of a paper-based cycling magazine, one thing is for sure: we are print fans! But we also have to acknowledge without envy: As charming as printed maps on paper are, digital navigation is immensely useful – especially when combined with a smart planning tool. The navigation app komoot is exactly such a tool, which has become THE tool for cyclists in recent years. And because we like to use it so much, here’s our komoot guide for you. Part 1: Tips and tricks – the basics.