lifeCYCLE film tip

Film tip: “From Biocrust With Love” – Protect what you love!

This film tip is about the remote desert landscape of Moab in the USA. Dryland ecologist Dr Kristina Young and John Watson, nature photographer and founder of Radavist, cycled through what at first glance appears to be a barren landscape. They brought back impressive pictures. Above all, however, they sharpen our view of an ecosystem that can only be recognised on closer inspection...

What is “From Biocrust with love” about and who is behind it?

“Deserts have a reputation for being lifeless”, is how Dr Kristina Young introduces the film. And she continues: “Nothing is further from the truth. Dry places are full of life. You just have to know where to look for it. In the desert, the soil surface is alive and full of organisms. Communities of mosses, lichens, cyanobacteria and micro-fungi populate a habitat that is anything but dead. It is also called a biocrust.”

And this habitat has a problem: people and their unsustainable treatment of the ecosystem. In the short film “From Biocrust, With Love”, the expert takes a look at the causes of the destruction of the “biocrust” and the consequences. These are far more complex than you might think at first glance.

In "from biocrust with love", director sinuhe xavier, dr kristina young and radavist founder john watson stage the bizarre desert landscape to great effect.
In “From biocrust with love”, director Sinuhe Xavier, Dr Kristina Young and Radavist founder John Watson stage the bizarre desert landscape to great effect.

What makes this film exciting for us? There are no such desert landscapes in Germany…! Firstly, you can look forward to around ten minutes of great footage. Secondly, the two of them are travelling by bike. And thirdly, “From Biocrust With Love” revolves around a very special landscape that we don’t have here. But the problem is also transferable to us: Too many people use nature carelessly and destroy valuable ecosystems unknowingly and with serious consequences. The film sharpens the eye for this: ride through nature with open eyes. Appreciate it and follow rules that help to protect other living beings.

"from biocrust with love" is dr kristina young's homage to a habitat called "biocrust".
“From Biocrust with love” is Dr Kristina Young’s homage to a habitat called “Biocrust”.

From Biocrust with love: Our film tip summary

No profound scientific explanations await you in “From Biocrust With Love”. It is a small insight into a world that most of us will never get to know in real life. The film thrives on Dr Kristina Young’s palpable enthusiasm for all the strange creatures that would live in a functioning equilibrium without us humans.

Amidst breathtaking images, the film delivers a cinematic ode to the biocrust and the enormous biodiversity that makes its home there. It plays an important role in maintaining the fragile balance of the desert. “From Biocrust With Love” is an appeal to us all: enjoy your surroundings without leaving a trace and in a way that doesn’t destroy. And that’s exactly why we think the film is worth seeing and recommend it as a film tip!

Watch the short film now!

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